How to attract dream customers and make more sales.

Know your audience

Do you know your audience who is interested in your offer?  Still not able to get their attention?

What could be the possible reason?

Well, let me get into the depth of it.

Audience targeting is a major task in digital marketing. This will help you get more engagement for your ads when you identify the right audience. Once people start responding to your ads (eg, comment, share, tag), the Facebook algorithm senses that we’re doing something amazing and reward us by reducing our cost per lead.

Because when the audience is entertaining our ads it means we are improving the Facebook user experience. Which is the first priority of Facebook Inc.

Hence it not only helps us to reduce our cost per result but also helps us in getting quality leads and sales for our business.

What is the difference between potential customers and potential buyers?

Potential customers are the ones you think need your help the most.  

But you can not say when they will be ready to buy.

For example, if I want to sell a ring, the buyer persona in my mind is a woman who is interested in rings or some other jewelry. I do some other targeting based on demographics and behavior.

Most of my competitors would think so.

On the other hand, I am targeting a man who is in a relationship and is looking for gifts.

Now imagine who will buy it immediately?

A woman who is interested in the ring or a man who is in a painful situation and has received a wonderful offer.

The second one, it’s so fundamental for your potential buyers to target the people who are in the most painful situation and they will eventually buy from you.

It will take us 3-4 sessions to convert women. We have to re-target them and show them some discounted offers to develop their interest, whereas the man’s customer journey from a cold audience to a customer was so quick in the first season.

You have to know your audience deeply.

To identify your potential buyers, you need to answer these 7 golden questions about your dream audience.

  1. Where does your dream buyer hang out?
  2. Where does your dream buyer get their information?
  3. What are their biggest frustration and challenges?
  4. What are their hopes, dreams, and desires?
  5. What are their biggest fears?
  6. What’s their preferred form of communication?
  7. What makes them happy?

Download the free template to identify your dream audience.

Build an Authority

We cannot deny the fact that all industries today are highly competitive. People are spending a lot on advertising and customer acquisition, it is very challenging to survive in this red-blooded ocean where you are surrounded by sharks.

Here authority can help you stand out from the crowd.

Can you buy an authority?

Can you create an overnight authority?

Not at all!

You have to earn it.

Whatever business you are in, you may be a health coach, healer, real estate, food business, SAAS product, or any other niche in that you can build your own authority among your target audience.

People trust people, and they get attached easily.

Today we can see that all the big giants are focusing on building authority.

 We know Tesla because of Elon Musk

 We know Facebook because of Mark Zuckerberg

 We know Microsoft because of Bill Gates

 We know Apple because of Steve Jobs

There are too many people and the lists are endless.

All of them have focused on building their personal brand and over time people start admiring them because of their public presence.

That’s why it’s important to have a public presence in your target market.

Today it is much more convenient. We can build community and engage them online.

Help your potential audience and give them a reason to admire you. There are many ways in which you can attract and engage your potential audience.

  1. You can offer a free webinar
  2. Free weekly mastermind session
  3. You can publish books or ebooks
  4. You can offer a 1:1 consultation

And there are many other activities that can be done depending on the nature of your business.

When people find that you are really helping they will start watching you and following you on all platforms and they will start recommending you to someone they think might be the best fit.

This way authority can be developed over time but you have to stay true to your audience and focus on helping them achieve their goals.

There is a saying that if you want to achieve your goals, help others achieve their goals.

Do you want to help people in need?

I’m sure you do. But, you may think that it will cost you time or money and you cannot afford it.

What if I told you that philanthropy has a great ROI.

Yes, you’ve heard it well, and that’s what I’m going to show you today.

You certainly shouldn’t do charity for the sake of ROI, but because you are willing to help others.  In addition to feeling better about yourself, philanthropy has many business benefits:

  • This will help you build authority and trust in the market and once you build trust you will win the transaction.
  • Charity will be beneficial for your leadership.
  • This will help you develop and improve new skills.
  • It will also help you with local and international business networking and can be a great growth opportunity.

Wait for no further to start serving people in your niche and eventually you will see yourself growing.

Have a story to tell before the product to sale

Storytelling is important for getting attention. If you want your audience to pay attention to your brand.  You have to create a story in such a way that you have your audience as the hero of the story and yourself as the guide. Which will help the hero to achieve their respective goal.

Until we identify something our customers want, they will never realize they are invited to the story we are telling.

This is small but powerful innings that respect the audience’s journey and We are required to grow our audience as a leader by providing the knowledge, products, and services.

Focus on value creation

Value is more important than money.  When you start adding value to someone they start admiring you.

Selling value rather than price will consistently set you apart over the long term, despite the temptation to fail in a price war with other competitors.

Being able to deliver results day after day, month after month, year after year for your clients will put you in a league of your own.

It is tempting that new companies come and go from the market because they are not focused enough on creating value.

You must be obsessed with bringing value!

When the value exceeds the price, the consumer spends.

Consumers will spend money when the estimated value of your offer exceeds their money’s value. You will be successful in this economy & attract huge audiences only if you are able to prove that the value of your product is more than the value of money.

Definitive Growth Coach | + posts

I help people who are struggling to get desired results in their business, I do this by offering training, personalized consultation, and dedicated growth sessions so they can harness the full potential of digital growth and get the optimal results.

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