Facebook is a leading platform among other social media platforms. It has more than 2 million daily active users. Almost everyone around us is using this platform to connect with their friends and family.
People love to consume content on Facebook and It has huge potential for business owners to advertise their products and services to their potential audience.
There are two types of digital advertising channels: Inbound and outbound. Inbound is a process where users come to the platform. Like if we want to buy a running shoe we just google it and find so many results there this process is called inbound and Google is an Inbound platform here.
Facebook is an outbound process where we have to reach out to our potential audience and capture their attention by offering some valuable things.
Facebook knows you better than you know yourself.
It may be strange, but it’s true.
Whatever we do in our day-to-day life we tend to post it on Facebook and share it with our connections.
Let’s say if we go to a shopping mall, we post pictures and tag the locations.
When we travel from a place to another, we update our travel status on Social Media.
When we change our college or company, we keep updating it on Facebook.
The lists are endless.
And so the opportunity is.
We as a marketer are able to target people on multiple parameters like Interest, Behaviour, Demographics, etc.
So there is a potential chance for anyone to target their audience and grow their business online.
Types of Facebook Audience:
There are 3 types of Facebook Audience:
1. Saved audience
When we set ads on Facebook, We creates audience in the ads manager.
Here you can target your customers based on their location, age and then you’ll get three different targeting options for a saved audience.
Interests, Behaviour & Demographics.
Facebook has tons of data and we have to choose wisely whom we want to see our ads. That means before choosing your audience on Facebook you must have to create a customer avatar so you will have a clear picture of your potential audience. If you have enrolled in our Definitive Growth Program then I have detailed video lectures in lesson 13.
For example; If you want to target people who want to lose weight.
You have to understand their interests, behaviour, and demographics so you can target them accordingly.
Let’s understand this:
You have to log in to Facebook ads manager and under all tools, you will find the option to choose ‘audiences’.
This is what it looks like.
Once you select the audience you find three audiences types as we discussed above. Here you have to select saved audience and continue.
Saves audience is a goldmines of data you have to be very careful while targeting your audience becaus if you fail to target the right audience you will end up loosing money on Facebook ads or you might be get some leads but that won’t be a quality leads.
Now you can see a lot of options are available like Age, gender, Locations & most importantly detailed targeting. Here you can create an audience carefully.
You can save this audience to use for future campaigns. There are many advanced ways to target the right audience and that is why we are discussing custom Audience in next to this part. It can be a game-changer for your Facebook campaign.
2. Custom Audience
Custom Audience is a set of people who have interacted with you in one way or another. It could be people who have visited your website or spent time on some specific web page. It could be people who have watched your video on Facebook or might have interacted with your ads or Facebook page in any way.
So, Custom audience gives you option to target people through different sources. You can see those sources below that can be used as assets to create your Custom Audience.
You can use any of these sources to craete custome audinece and then you can run behaivour based retargeting campaign. Let say someone visit your website/landing page and leave without submitting the lead form. Or someone didn’t buy your product but added it to their cart so in that case custome audience cas play provital role to catch those audience and bring them back to your website.
Facebook Pixel is a must to get this work for you.
Custom Audience can be extended as a look-alike where Facebook creates more audiences similar to your Custom Audience. Take a look at the lookalike audience in the next part of this article.
3. Lookalike audience
Lookalike Audience can be great to extend your campaign and reach more similar people to your Custom Audience.
Here you use your custom Audience as a data source and Facebook creates a new set of audiences who are similar to your existing custom audience.
The higher your custom Audience the better you will get the look-alike Audience.
Let say if you have 500 custom audience data then Facebook is limited with its behaviour and other sources thus potential look-alike Audiences may not be so perfect.
If you have 5000 people as a custom Audience then it gives a better understanding of your potential customers and it will help Facebook to find a better lookalike audience.
For example; let’s assume 5000 people have visited my web page and 1000 have registered as a lead. If I want to target people who have registered or are similar to people who have registered (as a lead) then we have to use this behaviour as a source for a lookalike audience.
The more your audience size will be close to 0% the better quality of audience you will get. A 1% lookalike consists of the people most similar to your lookalike audience source. Increasing the percentage creates a bigger, broader audience.
If you have attended my High Performance Facebook Ads & Funnel workshop you must have learned about how to create your dream customer. If not you can register for the upcoming workshop.
I help people who are struggling to get desired results in their business, I do this by offering training, personalized consultation, and dedicated growth sessions so they can harness the full potential of digital growth and get the optimal results.