Why you need to start a blog in 2022

Blogging enables you to reach billions of internet users globally. It opens up new opportunities for you. Regardless of any industry, you should start writing a blog. It establishes you as an authority in your niche and you can turn it into a full-fledged business. You can promote yourself, and your products or services to your potential audiences.

Here in this article, I will be discussing 6 key points to start a blog in 2022. 

1. You will own your platform and content

There are many platforms where you can write for free and even make some money. Starting a self-hosted blog has some initial challenges like you don’t have an audience but if you think in the long run then it can be a very profitable business.

Having a self-hosted platform gives you all the control. You have no bounds of any 3rd party policy and you have full access to your content, designs, database, etc in your hands. 

You own the platform, you own the content hence the traffic you will have in the future will be all yours.

If you are impatient with the results, then you can start writing on any third-party platforms or apps where they can also get some remuneration based on views or some other factors.

It’s good for Hobby purposes or for someone who is starting out and just curious to find out their passion in writing.

Starting a self-hosted blog will help you to build your own brand. You can build your own traffic sources by collecting your visitors’ emails.

Before starting you should decide the niche. It’s good to choose the area in which you have more knowledge so you can write for the long term.

Starting small is a big move, take your first step out and start a blog.

2. It will separate you from the crowd

Blogging helps you to build your authority in your domain. You can stand out separately from the crowd through your content.

If you are a student, your future employer can find you easily.

If you are a business owner, it will help you to get more clients & build more trust.

If you are a working professional, it will help you to get better opportunities in the future or it can be a great side hustle.

We all have some skill or field of interest, where we can share our thoughts with people or help them with our ideas.

So it’s just a thought-sharing process in an organized way.

It will ultimately help you personally to enhance your creative thinking, organizing your thoughts, writing skills, and overall development.

3. Develop your authority in your niche

When you become an author then authority comes to you automatically. Writing helps you to build your authority. People start admiring you as an expert on the subject.

Let’s say, I am a Digital Marketing Consultant in India. I blog about Digital Marketing & Growth Marketing. If I need to get a job my Hiring manager would have a better impact when they go through my content.

Or, If I want to make a sales pitch to my clients and when they come to see my blog, It will give them more confidence in me. They can easily trust me.

Either way, chances are higher that I will win among the other people in the room who are not blogging.

There are higher chances that people will trust more on those who are creating content.

Because it’s a psychological fact that people will consider them an expert when they read their content.

Your authority will help you to capture a larger market share, get more exposure and ultimately you will have better opportunities.

4. You can generate passive income

Blogging is the best way to make money online. It helps to generate passive income. But I would suggest having some great purpose to start blogging rather than just making passive income. Because when you start a blog to make money you will quit very soon.

It takes time and you have to build your authority before you start making income.

There are many ways you can use it to make money from a blog.

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Google Adsense
  • Private ad space sell
  • Paid guest post
  • Promoted articles

All of these have some guidelines that I will discuss in a separate article. But you need to have a good amount of monthly traffic to get any of these works for you.

5. Help you grow an email list of devoted fans

We all know that “data is everything”.

As the traffic grows, you can start capturing the email list of your visitors. You can offer some goodies or a lead magnet (something for free so they can afford to share their email I’d with you in exchange for your offer, it could be a Pdf, Free course, Templates, eBook, etc)


You can use email marketing to send your blog posts or navigate your subscribers to land on any specific destination.

This traffic can be repetitive and you can establish a good relationship with your audience by sending them personalized broadcast emails.

6. Create SO MANY new opportunities

Blogging creates an ocean of new opportunities. You can monetize it in multiple ways. 

As the authority grows your potential customers will start finding you on the internet. Or you can just share your articles with them so they can have a good idea about your authority.

This will be the ultimate way to present yourself as an industry expert.

The more people can discover you online the better opportunities you can get. You can be invited as a speaker at any event, and you can get a great collaboration deal.

As the blog will grow you will start getting so many emails that can be great opportunities for you.

Don’t get fed up with blogging in case of zero earning in the initial phase as blogging is not the get rich quick scheme by any means. It takes years even for a professional blogger/writer to generate a loyal readership and months of time to generate blogs/articles to build that readership.

Definitive Growth Coach | + posts

I help people who are struggling to get desired results in their business, I do this by offering training, personalized consultation, and dedicated growth sessions so they can harness the full potential of digital growth and get the optimal results.

2 thoughts on “Why you need to start a blog in 2022”

  1. Thank you for your valuable information. So basically content sharing on a regular basis is important. Now my question is that in your own blog, traffic will be limited initially. So do you recommend to build a community in established social networking sites over blogging on own platform. Would appreciate if you can give your inputs on social media vs own blogging website. Thnks in advance.

    • Hi Vishakha,

      I’m glad you found it valuable. I would definitely recommend building a community that can help you easily connect with the mass audience. But you have to keep in mind that it’s not your own community, it is ultimately managed by Facebook. You can use the community to drive traffic to your blog and then capture visitors’ data. You have to create a strategy where you can focus on driving traffic from multiple sources to one destination. Facebook can suspend your account but if you have the data you can survive in any situation. So random posting won’t help you. Create a solid content distribution strategy.


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